Updated: October 15, 2022

How Much Is A Stove Worth In Scrap Metal?

Written by:
Timothy Spencer
Edited by:
Brian Dean
Fact-Checked by:
Josh Reynolds
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Is there an old stove in your home that you want to get rid of but are also thinking of making money out of it?

If so, then you’d be thinking about how much you can make out of your gas stove by selling it as junk. Here in this article, we have answered this question in detail.

Key Highlights

Considering you have an old stove and you live in Florida, then the value of the stove will be $15 to $20. The breakdown is given below.

  • All Iron Parts – $6.5
  • Steel Components – $8
  • Tempered Glass – 0
  • Insulator – 0
  • Copper – $3.00
  • Aluminum or Brass – $0.3
  • Miscellaneous Materials – $1.50
  • The total – $15.3

Keep reading to get further insight into the matter and the basis on which these prices have been described.

The abovementioned price of a stove in scrap metal depends upon various aspects. The important thing is the experience. If you do not know what you are doing, then you do not know the exact value of a component that you find in your gas stove. Hence, you are only wasting your time. Therefore, it’s not worth tearing down to this extent! 

All Iron Parts:-

The total stove weight, consisting of iron parts like insider components, weighs approximately 130 lbs. The scrap price for (rusted) iron components is $0.05. Therefore, if you multiply 130 pounds by 0.05 dollars, then the price is 6.5 dollars.

How Much Is A Stove Worth In Scrap Metal?

Steel Components:-

There are also steel components in a gas stove, i.e., grates, knobs, etc. Although these steel parts are worth more than iron, there is a drawback that a few components are used in stoves made of steel. Scrap steel costs $0.2.

So, if your stove contains steel parts weighing 40 lbs., then:

40 * 0.2 = $8.0 image

Tempered Glass:-

Glass has no importance in the scrap field. Tempered glass can be hard to sell (or even impossible in our case) as there is no one who intends to buy it.

The people in the scrap market don’t usually buy it, and the companies often prefer to manufacture it instead of recycling it because it requires an industry-level process to recycle it.

So the value of tempered glass to Junk Man is zero.


All of your stove is covered with an insulator, which may make you happy that you will get a profit out of it. But, unfortunately, the insulator is only used to wrap around the inside of the stove so that it may not get warm, and the insulator absorbs all the heat.

Hence, the value of an insulator in the eyes of a junk man is also “trash.”


Copper is the most expensive metal you can find in a gas stove. But, the copper found in a stove weighs only up to 1 lb. (and that is if you are lucky).

The price of copper is $3.00. So, one pound multiplied by three dollars is three dollars.

Brass or aluminum:

Aluminum or brass in a gas stove is primarily used on burners. The traditional gas stoves have burners made of aluminum, and the new ones have brass-plated burners.

However, in both cases, the burners can only fetch you $0.25 per pound, considering there are two burners in your gas stove and both of them weigh 1 pound. Hence, the total amount you can get is $0.30.


Miscellaneous items found in the stove, such as wires or similar items, are only worth $0.50.

Prices of the above mentioned elements have been taken from ScraMetalBuyers.

That is the total breakdown of your stove’s worth in scrap metal.

So, does the STOVE scrapping worth it:-

Well, this is the question that you should answer. Do you really want to go through all this process to get the $15 to $20? Then you should go for it. However, we’d recommend you leave it as it is and call the scrapping company.

Furthermore, there are other complications that could occur if you try to scrap the stove by yourself:

  • You don’t have the proper tool and can damage the components inside.
  • You may not have any experience, which is a big factor because the more expertise you have, the more you can earn by selling the components to the right owner.
  • You may not have a backyard or a front yard to disassemble the stove by yourself, and if you do, then there is a whole lot of cleaning waiting for you after scrapping the stove.

However, if you still want to scrap gas stove by yourself then there is a video on it that could be lucrative for you:

Alternatives to Stove Scrapping:

Instead of scrapping the stove by yourself, there are two options for you:

  1. Sell your stove to a scrapping company. The full list of contact scrappers can be found at Oregon.Gov.
  2. There is a strong market for used appliance parts. If these markets didn’t want the parts, they had several options, including repairing and reselling the appliance, selling the parts to other dealers, or recycling the metal. As a result, you can sell your stove in these markets.

Other Appliances Worth Scrapping:

When looking for scrap metal appliances, look for larger pieces of equipment such as dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers. These pieces of equipment are easier to disassemble and sort your metal panels from, providing you with more metal to scrap with less labor.

Before loading your metals for the scrapyard, separate them because each metal has a different value. Aluminum, because it is nonferrous in nature, is more valuable per pound than ferrous metals.

Refrigerators and any equipment that uses plumbing to operate, such as an old corroded water heater, are extremely valuable scrap metal. This is because these appliances frequently contain copper components; copper wire and plumbing scrap are both desirable and profitable. To get extra money, inspect all appliances for a copper coil during the dismantling process.


Scrap is not worth much now. But only to the extent of those who do not know their way around and do not have that much experience.

Unfortunately, becoming wealthy does not involve melting your stove into gold. In reality, most gadgets contain only a few cents worth of expensive precious metals.

Recycling is only beneficial when you are scrapping a large number of appliances.

External References:
  1. Tcgs. (04-09-2013, 10:58 AM). Re: “Average Price of a Stove after Dismantled“. ScrapMetalFroum.com. 
  2. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. . “Uncertified Woodstove Disposal Sites“. Oregon.Gov. 
  3. ScrapMetalBuyers. “ScrapMetalPrices“. ScrapMetalBuyers.com.

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