Updated: April 5, 2023

How To Protect Fridge Next To Stove-An Expert Guide

Written by:
Timothy Spencer
Edited by:
Brian Dean
Fact-Checked by:
Josh Reynolds
Table Of Contents
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If you have a small kitchen or limited space, you may find yourself wondering if you can put your fridge next to the stove. While it may be convenient to have these two appliances next to each other, it can also pose some potential problems. In this blog, we will discuss how to protect your fridge next to the stove and answer some commonly asked questions.

Can You Put A Stove Next To Refrigerator?

Yes, you can put a stove next to a refrigerator, but it is not recommended. While it may seem like a good idea to save space, the heat from the stove can affect the temperature of the fridge and cause it to work harder to maintain a consistent temperature. This can result in increased energy consumption, higher electricity bills, and potentially, shorter lifespan of your fridge.

Problems With A Stove Next To Fridge

There are several problems with having a stove next to a dishwasher and fridge. One of the most significant concerns is the heat generated from the stove can affect the temperature of the fridge, which can lead to increased energy consumption and higher electricity bills. Additionally, having a stove next to a fridge can increase the risk of fire or other safety hazards.

Heat Shield For Refrigerator Next To Stove

If you must place your fridge next to the stove, one solution is to install a heat shield. A heat shield is a barrier that protects your fridge from the heat generated by the stove. It can be made of materials such as metal, glass, or tile and can be installed by a professional. A heat shield can help reduce the risk of damage to your fridge and improve its lifespan.

If you have a small kitchen or limited space, you may find yourself wondering if you can put your fridge next to the stove. While it may be convenient to have these two appliances next to each other, it can also pose some potential problems. In this blog, we will discuss how to protect your fridge next to the stove and answer some commonly asked questions.

How Close Can A Stove Be To A Refrigerator?

It is recommended that you place your stove at least six inches away from your refrigerator. This allows for proper ventilation and reduces the risk of damage to your fridge. If you must place your stove next to your fridge, installing a heat shield can help protect your fridge from the heat generated by the stove.

Where Should Refrigerator And Stove Be Placed In Kitchen?

The placement of your refrigerator and stove in your kitchen is important for both functionality and safety. Ideally, your fridge and stove should be placed on opposite sides of the kitchen. This allows for proper ventilation and reduces the risk of heat transfer from the stove to the fridge. If you have limited space and must place your stove next to your fridge, installing a heat shield can help protect your fridge from the heat generated by the stove.

Final Words

While it may be tempting to place your stove next to your fridge to save space in your kitchen, it can lead to potential problems and safety hazards. The heat generated by the stove can cause the temperature inside the fridge to rise, resulting in increased energy consumption and potentially damaging your fridge. If you must place your stove next to your fridge, it is recommended that you install a heat shield to protect your fridge from the heat generated by the cooktop. Additionally, it is important to place your fridge and stove on opposite sides of the kitchen to promote proper ventilation and reduce the risk of heat transfer. By following these tips, you can protect your fridge next to your stove and ensure the safety and longevity of your appliances.

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