Updated: February 28, 2023

Can You Set Up a Solo Stove On a Deck?

Written by:
Timothy Spencer
Edited by:
Brian Dean
Fact-Checked by:
Josh Reynolds
Table Of Contents
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As outdoor living continues to gain popularity, more homeowners are seeking ways to create an outdoor space that is both functional and aesthetically appealing. One of the most popular outdoor additions is a fire pit, and the Solo Stove has become a favorite among homeowners due to its design and efficiency. But many wonder, can you set up a Solo Stove bonfire on a deck?

The answer is yes, but there are a few precautions that you need to take to ensure that your deck is not damaged and that you and your family are safe. In this blog, we will explore the different factors that you should consider before setting up your Solo Stove on a deck.

Will a Solo Stove Stand Be a Good Solution?

Before we dive into the details, it’s important to mention that Solo Stove provides a dedicated stand that is designed to protect the surface of your deck. The stand has four legs that keep the Solo Stove elevated off the ground, providing a gap that allows air to circulate underneath. This helps prevent the deck from overheating and potentially catching fire.

If you want to set up your Solo Stove on a deck, we highly recommend using the Solo Stove stand. It is an affordable and effective solution that will help ensure the safety of your deck and home.

What Type of Decking Can You Use a Solo Stove On?

The next factor to consider is the type of decking material that you have. Some decking materials are more heat resistant than others, and using a Solo Stove on a deck made from the wrong material can be dangerous.

You can use a Solo Stove on decks made from pressure-treated lumber, composite decking, and hardwood. However, you should avoid using a Solo Stove on decks made from PVC or vinyl, as these materials have a low melting point and can be easily damaged by heat.

How to Use a Solo Stove on a Wooden Deck?

Assuming you have a suitable deck and a Solo Stove stand, the following steps will help you set up your Solo Stove on a wooden deck.

Always Use a Solo Stove Stand

As mentioned earlier, using a Solo Stove stand is essential. Make sure the stand is level and stable before placing the Solo Stove on it.

Include an Additional Heat Resistant Barrier

To provide additional protection, place a heat-resistant barrier between the Solo Stove stand and your deck. You can use a concrete paver or a heat-resistant mat to prevent any heat transfer from the stove to your deck.

Consider a Concrete Platform

If you plan to use your Solo Stove frequently, consider building a concrete platform to place the Solo Stove stand on. This will provide an even more stable base for the Solo Stove and reduce the risk of fire.

Always Monitor the Fire Pit

Never leave your Solo Stove unattended. Keep a close eye on the fire at all times and make sure it is fully extinguished before leaving.

Don’t Jostle the Solo Stove

Avoid bumping or jostling the Solo Stove while it’s in use. This can cause the fire to spread and potentially damage your deck.

Clear the Surroundings

Make sure the area around the Solo Stove is clear of any flammable materials. Remove any leaves, branches, or other debris that could catch fire.

Use a Solo Stove Shield

If you want to provide additional protection for your deck, you can use a Solo Stove Shield. This is a metal shield that sits between the Solo Stove and your deck, helping to prevent any heat from transferring to the deck.

Have a Test Run

Having a test run before using your Solo Stove on your deck is an essential step in ensuring that you know how to use it safely. Find a safe location in your yard, away from any flammable materials, and set up your Solo Stove on the stand.

Once you’ve set up the Solo Stove, start a fire using kindling and small pieces of wood. Observe how the fire burns and how the Solo Stove responds to the wind. This will help you get a feel for how to use the Solo Stove and how to control the fire.

Additionally, use this opportunity to test out any accessories you plan to use, such as a Solo Stove shield or heat-resistant mat. This will help you determine if these additional safety measures are necessary and how they will affect your fire.

Safety Tips to Follow When Using a Solo Stove on Any Deck:

While the Solo Stove stand and other precautions can help reduce the risk of fire or damage to your deck, it’s essential to follow these additional safety tips when using your Solo Stove on any deck:

Choose the Right Location

Choose a location on your deck that is at least 10 feet away from any buildings, trees, or other flammable materials. This will help ensure that your fire doesn’t spread and that your deck and home are protected.

Avoid Any Overhanging Fixtures

Avoid placing your Solo Stove under any overhanging fixtures, such as a roof or a tree. These fixtures can trap heat and create a dangerous situation.

Look for Level Surfaces

Make sure the surface you are placing the Solo Stove stand on is level and stable. Uneven surfaces can cause the Solo Stove to tip over, potentially starting a fire.

Choose Safer Fuel

Use only dry, seasoned wood in your Solo Stove. Wet or green wood can create excess smoke and can be difficult to light, increasing the risk of fire.

Take Care Around Children and Animals

Keep children and animals away from the Solo Stove while it’s in use. The stove’s surface can get very hot and can cause burns.

Be Aware of the Hot Surface

The Solo Stove’s surface can get very hot, so avoid touching it while it’s in use. Make sure to use the included poker to adjust the fire if necessary.

Use fireproof mats

Place a fireproof mat underneath your Solo Stove to protect your deck from sparks and embers. This can be an additional layer of protection against damage to your deck.

Wrapping Up:

Setting up a Solo Stove on a deck can be a great addition to your outdoor living space. With the proper precautions, you can use and clean your Solo Stove safely and enjoy the warmth and ambiance it provides.

Always use a Solo Stove stand, consider using additional heat-resistant barriers, and monitor the fire at all times. Clear the surroundings, use a Solo Stove shield, and have a test run before using it on your deck.

Remember to follow safety tips such as choosing the right location, avoiding overhanging fixtures, and using safer fuel. Take care around children and animals, be aware of the hot surface, and use fireproof mats.

By following these safety tips, you can use your Solo Stove on your deck with confidence, knowing that you and your family are safe.

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