Updated: January 18, 2023

How to Repair a Gas Stove Clicking but Not Lighting?

Written by:
Timothy Spencer
Edited by:
Brian Dean
Fact-Checked by:
Josh Reynolds
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A gas stove is a convenient and efficient way to cook, but it can be frustrating when it fails to light. One common issue is a clicking sound when you turn on the burner, but no flame appears. This problem can be caused by several factors, but fortunately, it can often be repaired with a few simple steps. In this article, we’ll show you how to troubleshoot and repair a gas stove that’s clicking but not lighting.

Realign the Burner Cap

The first step in troubleshooting a gas stove that’s clicking but not lighting is to check the alignment of the burner cap. The burner cap sits on top of the burner and helps to distribute the flame evenly. If it’s not properly aligned, the flame may not be able to ignite. To realign the burner cap, simply lift it up and reposition it so that it sits flush against the burner.

Clean and Dry the Burner

Another potential cause of a gas stove clicking but not lighting is a dirty or wet burner. Over time, debris and food spills can accumulate on the burner, preventing the flame from igniting. To clean the burner, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe it down, and then dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Check the Gas Supply

If cleaning with vinegar and drying the burner doesn’t solve the problem, the next step is to check the gas supply. Make sure the gas valve is turned on and that there’s a steady flow of gas to the stove. If there’s an issue with the gas supply, you may need to contact a professional for help.

Check the Spark Igniter Connections

The spark igniter is a small electrical component that creates the spark that lights the gas. If the spark igniter connections are loose or corroded, the flame may not ignite. To check the connections, locate the spark igniter and gently wiggle the wires to ensure they’re securely connected. If you find that connections are loose or corroded, you’ll need to replace the spark igniter.

Replace the Igniter

If all the above steps fail to solve the problem, the most likely cause is a faulty spark igniter. Replacing the spark igniter is a bit more complicated and you may want to seek professional help or refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for guidance.


In conclusion, a gas stove that’s clicking but not lighting can be caused by a variety of factors. To troubleshoot and repair the issue, start by realigning the burner cap, cleaning and drying the burner, checking the gas supply, and checking the spark igniter connections. If none of these steps solve the problem, you may need to replace the spark igniter. With these steps, you’ll be able to fix your stove and get back to cooking your favorite meals in no time.

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_stove
  2. https://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Gas-Stove

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