Updated: April 4, 2023

How To Clean Stove Pipe With Bends?

Written by:
Timothy Spencer
Edited by:
Brian Dean
Fact-Checked by:
Josh Reynolds
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Keeping your stove pipe clean is essential to maintain the efficiency and safety of your stove. The stove pipe is the critical component that connects your stove to the chimney, allowing the smoke and gases to escape. Over time, soot and creosote build-up inside the stove pipe, reducing its effectiveness and posing a potential fire hazard. Cleaning the stove pipe can be a challenging task, especially if there are bends involved. In this blog, we’ll take you through the steps to clean your stove pipe with bends.

Understanding the Importance of Cleaning Your Stove Pipe

Before we dive into the steps to clean your stove pipe, it’s essential to understand why it’s crucial to do so. When you burn wood, creosote builds up inside the stove pipe. Creosote is a highly flammable substance that can cause a chimney fire if it accumulates in large amounts. A dirty cooktop pipe can also reduce the efficiency of your stove, which means you’ll need to burn more wood to produce the same amount of heat. Regular cleaning of your stove pipe will ensure that it operates safely and efficiently.

Gathering the Supplies You’ll Need

Before you begin cleaning your stove pipe, you’ll need to gather the necessary supplies. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  • Stove pipe brush – You can find this at most hardware stores, and it should be the same diameter as your stove pipe.
  • Drop cloth or old sheet – To protect your floors and furniture from soot and debris.
  • Dust mask – To protect your lungs from the soot and debris.
  • Eye protection – To protect your eyes from the soot and debris.
  • Work gloves – To protect your hands from the soot and debris.
  • Ladder – To access the stove pipe.
  • Flashlight – To see inside the stove pipe.
  • Plastic bag – To collect the debris.

Preparing for Cleaning

  • Turn off the stove and let it cool completely before attempting to clean the stove pipe.
  • Cover the area around the stove with a drop cloth or old sheet to protect your floors and furniture from the soot and debris.
  • Put on your dust mask, eye protection, and work gloves.
  • Set up your ladder next to the stove, so you can access the stove pipe.
  • Shine a flashlight into the stove pipe to see how much soot and debris has accumulated.

Start Cleaning

Put on your gloves, safety glasses, and face mask, and begin cleaning the stovepipe with the brush. Start at the bottom of the pipe and work your way up, using a circular motion to scrub the sides of the pipe. Be sure to pay extra attention to the bends and turns, as these areas tend to collect the most buildup.

As you clean, periodically stop and use the flashlight to inspect the inside of the pipe. Look for any remaining buildup or blockages, and use the brush to remove them.

Once you have cleaned the entire length of the stovepipe, use a vacuum to remove any loose debris or soot that has fallen out onto the drop cloth or tarp. This will help prevent it from spreading around the room.

Repeat if Necessary

If you notice that there is still significant buildup inside the stovepipe, you may need to repeat the cleaning process. Depending on how dirty the pipe is, you may need to repeat the process multiple times until all the buildup is removed.

Clean Up

Once you have finished cleaning the stove pipe, use your vacuum cleaner to remove any debris that may have fallen onto the drop cloth or old sheet. Reattach any sections of stove pipe that you removed earlier and make sure they are securely in place.


To prevent the stove pipe from becoming clogged again, it’s important to perform regular maintenance. This includes checking the stove pipe for any signs of damage, such as cracks or holes, and repairing them promptly. Additionally, you should clean your stove pipe at least once a year, or more frequently if you use your stove frequently.


Cleaning a stove pipe with bends may require a bit more effort and patience, but it’s important for the safety of your home and family. By following these steps and performing regular maintenance, you can keep your stove pipe functioning properly and avoid any potential hazards.

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