Updated: June 25, 2022

Can I Put Gas Stove Grates In Dishwasher

Written by:
Timothy Spencer
Edited by:
Brian Dean
Fact-Checked by:
Josh Reynolds
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Can I Put Gas Stove Grates In Dishwasher

Yes, you can put gas stove grates in dishwasher. Gas stove grates are totally dishwasher safe and here we will tell you how to clean your gas stove grates, its burners and answer the subject related queries which can help you utilize your cooktop efficiently.

So How do I clean my gas stove grates in Dishwasher?

Cooktops have two types of grates one is Iron grates and the other is porcelain coated.

Iron Grates

For the iron grates type, follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Wash the grates in your dishwasher and clean them with a dry towel
  • Afterwards, coat your stove grates with a layer of cooking oil (thin layer is preferred).
  • Bake them in oven for about 10 minutes (on 350˚F)

For Porcelain Coated Grates

You don’t need to worry about the Porcelain coated grates as it is one of the many advantages of coating your gas stove grates. You can simply put them into your dishwasher and can apply cooking oil on any unfinished areas. 

How to clean top of Gas Cooktop?

Cleaning top of gas cooktop is one of the easiest tasks and you won’t be needing any kind of guide or anything like that etc. 

There is nothing to worry about, you won’t harm or damage your gas stove. All you need to do is just follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Take the grates, burner caps and heads out.
  • Clean it with a dry towel.
  • Sprinkle cleaner all over it (be cautious of abrasive cleaner) and wait for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Clean your cooktop with damp cloth.
  • Dry it off.
  • Voila!

How do I Clean Gas Cooktop Burner Grates and Caps?

Again, no rocket science, pretty easy.

  • Just get the manual in hand.
  • Make sure the grates are cool otherwise it may cause more harm than good.
  • Use nonabrasive plastic scrubbing pad or if necessary, a mildly abrasive cleanser (or it will scratch the porcelain off).
  • Simply clean it with cleanser.
  • Wipe with damp cloth.
  •  Dry off the grates immediately after every wash.

How do I clean Gas Cooktop Burner Caps?

The cleaning process of gas stove burners is as same as the process of its grates.

  • Cool down your burner caps.
  • Scrub them with scrub (a nonabrasive is preferred here too or an absorbent cloth can be good).
  • Clean the inside of the burner caps thoroughly as it is the most important part where food spillage or debris can get stuck.
  • Again, be abstained from using abrasive cleanser as they may scratch the porcelain off the cap just like the grates.
  • Wipe down with towel and dry off immediately.

Word of Wisdom: Do not put your ’s burner caps inside a dishwasher.

How do I clean Gas Cooktop Burner Heads?

Burner Heads, of any gas cooktop, are the most significant thing which plays key role in proper gas flow.

Cleaning them is also as easy as heck!

  • Remove the caps, clean them with damp cloth.
  • Extract out any food that’s been stuck between the burner slots (use a toothbrush etc).
  • Wipe and dry.

Should I clean Ignition Ports of my Gas Cooktop?

Gas Ignition ports are way too much important. How can a cooktop be ignited without them.

If you are facing ignition problems, then there is a chance that the port hole is soiled.

You can use a paper clipper, a small wire or a needle in this regard.

Just put it in your stove’s ignition ports and clean it thoroughly!

How often should I clean my gas stove grates?

Without any hard and fast rule, it can be said that it is dependent upon you. Many says regularly or twice a week.

But whenever you have cooked something on your cooktop and felt a need to clean it you should clean your ’s gas stove grates.

As asserted before, ’s are known for longevity. So, you shouldn’t be worried about the damage or harm from your daily cooking.

Grates can be cleaned with hot soapy water and can be placed in the dishwasher as told above.

 Just be cautious with iron grates as they require a little extra attention as compare to Porcelain grates.

For further taking care of your gas stove grates.

  • Check them regularly.
  • If you find any stains scrub them immediately.
  • Get your stove’s grates painted, if their paint is getting off.
  • Do not drag any heavy object on them.
  • And many other things, seems feasible to you!

How do I make my gas stove grates look new?

Well, if you think you want to make them as new ‘new’. Then there are not so very much chances. However, you can try with the help of baking soda.

  • Clean grates with soap and hot water, scrub them. Make a thick paste of baking soda and water.
  • Apply the paste onto your gas stove grates directly to the burners.
  • Make you cover it to extent you could.
  • Again, wash it after 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Dry off.

What should I do for uneven flames on gas cooktop?

This usually happens when you clean your gas stove burners or grates.

The flames become lopsided and caused nuisance. Improperly balancing plays its role here and nothing also to worry about.

All you need to do is to put the burner heads, caps and grates back to their proper place and everything will be fine.

For this purpose, reassemble your gas stove grates, burner caps & heads and you are good to go.

Reasons for uneven flames on Gas Cooktop

You can, for example, touch it to ensure that it does not wobble. If it wobbles, simply move it until you get the proper balance.

  • Moisture may remain after cleaning.
  • There are no blocked burner slots or ports.
  • The surface knob might be adjusted too high.


 is the renowned brand in Refrigerators and Cooktops. There is nothing to worry about there life, durability and handling.

However, if you still do worry, after our guide. Then you can their official helpline and ask them about your query.

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