Updated: March 29, 2023

Can I Use a Cracked Glass Stove Top?

Written by:
Timothy Spencer
Edited by:
Brian Dean
Fact-Checked by:
Josh Reynolds
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Glass stove tops have become increasingly popular over the years because of their sleek and modern design. However, they can be quite expensive, and accidents can happen, resulting in a cracked glass stove top. If you find yourself in this situation, you may wonder whether you can still use the stove top or if it needs to be replaced entirely. In this blog, we will discuss whether you can use a cracked glass stove top and what the potential risks and consequences are.

The Short Answer

The short answer is no, you should not use a cracked glass stove top. While it may still be possible to use the stove top, it is not recommended, and it can be dangerous. A cracked stove top can cause injury, damage to the stove, and even fire. Therefore, it is best to replace the stove top as soon as possible.

The Risks and Consequences of Using a Cracked Glass Stove Top


A cracked glass stove top can be dangerous, especially if the crack is near a burner. The crack can cause the burner to heat unevenly, resulting in hot spots that can cause food to cook unevenly or even burn. Additionally, the crack can weaken the glass, which can cause it to shatter unexpectedly, resulting in injury to you or those around you.

Damage to the Stove:

Using a cracked glass stove top can also cause damage to the stove itself. The crack can allow food and liquids to seep under the glass, which can damage the heating elements or even the wiring underneath the stove top. Additionally, the heat from the burner can cause the crack to expand, resulting in further damage to the stove.


A cracked glass stove top can also increase the risk of fire. The crack can cause the heating elements to heat unevenly, resulting in hot spots that can ignite any flammable materials on the stove. Additionally, the crack can cause the glass to shatter, which can create a spark that can ignite any flammable materials nearby.

Alternatives to Using a Cracked Glass Stove Top

Replace the stove top:

The best solution is to replace the cracked glass stove top entirely. While this may be expensive, it is the safest option and can prevent further damage to the stove.

Cover the crack:

If you are unable to replace the stove top immediately, you can cover the crack with a heat-resistant material. However, this is not a long-term solution, and you should still plan to replace the stove top as soon as possible.

Use a different heat source:

If you have other cooking options, such as a microwave or oven, you can use those instead of the cracked glass stove top.


In conclusion, while it may be tempting to continue using a cracked glass stove top, it is not recommended, and it can be dangerous. A cracked stove top can cause injury, damage to the stove, and even fire. Therefore, it is best to replace the stove top as soon as possible. If you are unable to replace the stove top immediately, you can cover the crack with a heat-resistant material or use a different heat source. However, these are only temporary solutions, and you should still plan to replace the stove top as soon as possible. Safety should always come first, and it is not worth risking injury or damage to your home to continue using a cracked glass stove top.

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